Policies & Pricing

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No Shows

Your card on file will now be charged a 100% fee of your service. We chose to do this because no shows result in us not being able to fill your spot and not getting paid. If you no show more than twice we will have to let you go as a client.

Late For An Appointment?

We totally get being late, and we almost always let this slide, no one is perfect! We all have jobs/ some have kids, totally understandable when life gets crazy. Please just let your artist know if you will be late. If you are more than 20 mins late to your appointment we will have to reschedule and will charge a 50% appointment fee. we do leave 15 mins between every clients  appointment, this does not mean it is for when you arrive late. We leave this time open for cashing you out/and getting you out in a timely manner. Or if we do need the extra time, we are able to manage it correctly. If you come late that time will be taken off your fill time. We need every minute of your time to the best job that we can do!

Cancellations / Reschedules

All we ask is for communication. Please let me know if you will not be making your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. This leaves us plenty of time to fill your appointment time. Cancellations/Reschedules less than 24 hours in advance will be charged a 50% appointment fee.

Feeling Sick?

 If you are sick, please be respectful to all, and reschedule your appointment for another time. Thank you!

No Children, Please.

Please no children at your appointment. Now that we have more service providers and more services a lot of these services require silence, and we would like to respect all booth renters and their clients. If you show up to your appointment with your children we will have to kindly ask you to reschedule. If you are under the age of 18 please contact your service provider before booking to make sure there is no age restriction.

Aftercare For Lashes

 Aftercare is so important! It helps tremendously with your lash retention and your lash health. It is important you show up to your appointment with clean lashes. We now have a service “lash bath” on the menu in case you didn’t have time to wash prior. Lash baths will be an additional $10 added to your service if you have your artist preform the service. There is a wash station in the bathroom, please arrive a little early if you wish to use it. Please understand that this will take time out of your service, unless you arrive early to do so.

Lash Full Sets

 After 4 weeks you are now considered a full set client, please schedule accordingly. If you are coming into an appointment 2-3 weeks with little to no lashes left there will be a booking option under “a little extra” to give you more time at your fill and will be a different price. If you have never had a full set please consider a consult with your artist in case of an allergic reaction, especially before your wedding day. 

Lash Mini Fills

 This service does not replace your fill service. These appointments must be scheduled within 7 days of your last appointment. Please let us know if you have any questions about this!

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